Celtic Spring Festival

Saturday, March 29, 2025

In coordination with

Three Barons Renaissance Fair.

Join us!

Workshops - Craft Fair
NEW LOCATION FOR 2025: Wendler Middle School, 2905 Lake Otis Parkway

Visit us on Facebook: Celtic Community of Alaska

Celtic Spring Festival is a day of Celtic workshops and craft fair.

It originally started as an event for the Alaskan Scottish Club back in the 1990’s. They had an idea to bring together members of the community with a desire to share their knowledge and skills with the club. It has evolved today into a day-long event for all of South Central Alaska to participate. Celtic Spring Fest has workshops taught by our peers, focusing on lectures, craft items (make-and-takes), and physical activities. Classes and Costs
Click here to register with EventBrite!
The workshops, lectures and activities that are offered during Celtic Fest are taught by our own community members who have an interest, skill or in some cases, extensive research on a particular subject related to our Celtic heritage. The classes have a small fee associated with them that goes to the instructor. Our vendors are open throughout the day. More about our classes.
Click here to see the schedule.

If you cannot afford the cost of the class or classes you are interested in, scholarships are available to help to cover the costs through the Celtic Community of Alaska education fund. Please download and fill in the Scholarship Form on the right of this page, and return it to us by e-mail to celticcommunity@akcelts.org.

Instructor Biographies
We share information on the members of our local community who have stepped up to share these exciting classes this year, so you can see their interests and experiences. Some instructors will have links to learn more about their artwork and craft or additional information on the topic of their class.
More about our instructors.

Vendors have been an important part in making the day memorable. We welcome our talented vendors again this year! Scheduled to attend (and there may be more!):
Barbara Unlimited, Barbara Keller
Bits & Bobs, Tonya Updyke
Celiac's Delight, Eric Brown
Little Quilts, Jeanne Carston
Modern Mortem, Claire Heiken
Rogues & Wenches
Snow Thistle, Tanya Viglione
Wild Brook Creations, Christine Stanford
Pipe Band
Alaska Scottish Club
Irish Club of Alaska

Click here to download the membership form.

Print Schedule.
Click Here

Print Scholarship Form
Click Here